简介:五年前,平凡的艾米特(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音)拯救了乐高世界,可是德宝星球的外来者却摧毁了好不容易得到的和平。在此之后,乐高世界一片荒芜,外星来客随时在摧毁着每一座完好的建筑。这一日,来自姊姊星系的美汉将军驾驶飞船来到乐高世界,她轻易击败露西、蝙蝠侠等人的进攻,随后带着包括露西
简介:Last year, a group of filmmakers set out to investigate 13 of the most haunted locations in Georgia in order to gather footage of the supernatural for
简介:facial recognition to real-time baggage tracking, Beijing Daxing International Airport has embraced the latest smart technologies to improve passenger