简介:Facing a bleak future, a young man runs away to Mexico where he is recruited by the mysterious captain of a paramilitary group of teens who fight drug
简介:An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Los Angeles California from the terrorists who
简介:本片改编自美国作家库柏“皮袜子”系列小说中的第二部。1757年七年战争期间,英法两军在北美殖民地激战正酣。军官邓肯带队护送长官之女可娜(Madeleine Stowe 饰)前往威廉亨利堡,半路遭法属印第安人埋伏,莫希干族最后的战士——金卡加(Russell Means 饰)、安卡斯父子与白人霍克依(