简介:Following a horrific accident, a woman voluntarily becomes a test subject to an artificial intelligence designed to rehabilitate her. In a world depen
简介:影片讲述希瑞和希曼的搭助手Orko在一次新的间谍卫星测试中意外被传送到地球。Orko试图返回Eternia星球,同时也带回了两个地球的孩子Alisha(爱丽莎) 和 Manuel(曼努尔),此时正是地球上的圣诞节,孩子们自然是充满了节日的气氛,但却引来了不受欢迎的部落首领(the Horde Pri
简介:A street love story about a broken woman who copes with life by getting paid and falls in love only to find out things aren't always what they seem.
简介:A rising prosecutor spends the night at a rival defense attorney's home. Awakened next to his murdered body, things go from bad to worse when she's as