简介:Pen15 is middle school as it really happened in the year 2000. Anna Konkle and Maya Erskine play versions of themselves as thirteen year old outcasts,
简介:Which is part of a larger, overall content and brand alliance between Wheelhouse and Hype House, will feature the likes of founders Chase Hudson and T
简介:《周一清晨》原名为《切尔西综合医院》(Chelsea General),根据神经外科医生、CNN首席医学记者桑贾伊·古普塔(Sanjay Gupta)尚未出版的小说改编。 这家医院医院是世界上多位顶级外科医生的家。以反传统的救人方式而闻名的外科主任Harding(阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳 Alfred
简介:来自《威士忌骑士》和《丑闻》等剧的男星Scott Foley将主演FOX电视网全新的芭蕾舞题材剧情喜剧《The Big Leap》试映集,本剧采用“剧中剧”形式,讲述一群来自各行各业的“失败者”在一档角逐《天鹅湖》新版选角的竞技真人秀节目《The Big Leap》中努力奋斗的故事。Scott Fo