简介: 乌克兰少女玛丽亚在德国多特蒙德的一间宾馆当清洁工,她梦想着靠每月攒下的钱开一间理发店,不料突遭解雇,梦想似乎要化为泡影。没了工作,迫于经济压力,她不得不另寻出路。她放下尊严,出卖了自己的肉体,甚至不惜动用各种关系,只为实现那遥不可及的理想。Marija 是一名乌克兰移民,住在多特蒙德的 Nord
简介:On her way home from her uninspiring office job, Ania catches sight of an untamed wolf on the outskirts of the city. For a brief moment they lock eyes
简介:Two men, two brothers, their childhood home in Lower Austria. They drink to their late mother, they bury her. Then they drive back to their real lives